Now is a great time to have your home mitigated for Radon Gas
Reasons why NOW is a good time to have your work done:
The Master Radon interest free “Payment Plan” (3 payments)
After holding prices for years by simply becoming more and more efficient in the mitigation process, “prices must soon increase!”
Health Canada says there is no perfectly safe level of radon. The lower the concentrations the better.

Master Radon Is Committed To Keeping You Safe From Radon, As Well As From COVID As We Work.
Radon Gas Can Cause Lung Cancer! Is Your Home Safe?
Health Canada says that about 1 in 6 lung cancers are caused by radon gas.
Testing & Mitigating Radon Throughout Saskatchewan and Western Manitoba
MASTER RADON is here to help you make your home safe for all who enter. Radon gas, according to Health Canada causes about 1 out of every 6 lung cancers (16%) and is the leading environmental cause of lung cancer. How many times have you heard of people getting lung cancer who have never smoked a day in their life?
Have you determined that your radon levels are higher than Health Canada recommended risk levels? Contact us today for a free consultation and quote.
Schedule Appointment
All estimates are free and flexible according to materials and scheduling.