Who Qualifies For The In-Home Radon Potential Risk Analysis:

  1. The home has at least 2 or more of the “Top Ten Radon Potential Indicators as found here.

  2. The home must be in Regina (or be willing to pay a trip fee of $1.00 per KM each way from Regina).

  3. You must own the home.

  4. Be available for daytime appointments (last one being at 2:00pm).

  5. There is no obligation to buy anything. It is only hoped that if and when your home needs radon mitigation that Master Radon be given an opportunity to quote the work.

  6. Long term, Health Canada approved radon test kits will be made available at the time of the visit for the cost of $70.00 (tax in). Again, there is no obligation to purchase.

To Request A Free In-Home Radon Potential Risk Analysis, Please Click Here.


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