Testing & Measurement


Radon Testing & Measurement options can depend on your type of property, as well as the purpose for testing (See below) to determine which testing & measurement option is right for your situation. Or Contact Us Today !

1. Purchase a DIY Test Kit: This method would be for testing ones own home over a 90 day period where you just want to know an accurate long-term average. You are not very concerned about extremely high levels. It is a one-time use device that is forwarded to a lab who then analyses it and sends you a written report. (These are a minimal cost at $70.00 and include the lab analysis fee.) To see if your home is at risk, you please see our 10 Radon Potential Indicators.


2. Purchase A Continuous Radon Monitor: These are devices such as Corentium Home (Air Thing) which if you are concerned about high levels which often occur in Southern Saskatchewan (and especially the City of Regina), you might consider. These devices will provide short and long term readings in a digital form right on the device starting in a day or so.

The benefit of this type of device is that you will find out quickly if your home happens to be one that has significantly elevated radon levels. The device can be used in different parts of the home and is completely re-usable and can be offered to other homes for testing.This type of device can be unreliable on a short term as radon fluctuates widely from, hour -to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month, or season-to-season. If the short term says low radon, you simply must understand you need to continue to use it for a longer term 30 to better yet 90 days. (Corentium Home Air Thing devices cost about $200.00 plus tax)



3. In Home Professional Short Term Radon Potential Analysis: Master Radon will come to potentially high risk homes and do a quick analysis to determine if your home is showing evidence of significantly high radon levels. This involves numerous 20 minute simultaneous tests throughout the lower level. It also includes answers to all radon related questions. This service will be provided “Free of Charge” to qualifying home owners. Click here to learn if your house qualifies. There is no obligation to do or pay for any further product or service. (Option 3 therefore is no cost. It is simply asking that should mitigation be required in future that Master Radon be given an opportunity to quote the work)

4. Radon Testing for Real Estate Transactions: This type of testing provides an impartial 3rd party method of testing for radon as a condition of sale when purchasing/selling homes. A written report can be provided in less than a week. (The cost of this service in the Regina area is $400.00 and may require a follow up long term test).

Please contact Master Radon by clicking here to determine the right option for you.


Concerned there may be Radon in YOUR home?